How To Care For Your Hearing Aids

a hearing aid being professionally repaired under a magnifying glass

Hearing aids are a great way to improve your quality of life if you have hearing loss. With the right care and maintenance, your hearing aids can last for many years. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of how to care for your hearing aids. We will cover topics such as cleaning, storing and troubleshooting common problems. Hearing aid care is not difficult, but it is important that you follow the proper steps to ensure that your hearing aids function properly and last a long time.


One of the most important steps in caring for your hearing aids is to keep them clean. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the device, leading to malfunctions or reduced sound quality. To clean your hearing aid, use a dry cloth and gently wipe away any visible dirt or debris. You can also purchase a cleaning kit specifically designed for hearing aids, which generally contains tools such as brushes and cleaners that are safe for use on the device.


When not in use, it’s important to store your hearing aids properly to ensure they remain in good condition. First and foremost, be sure to avoid extreme temperatures; never leave your devices exposed in direct sunlight or inside a hot car. Instead, keep your hearing aids in a cool, dry place and make sure to turn them off when not in use. Additionally, if you have multiple hearing aids, store them in separate cases or containers to reduce the chances of damage or misplacement.


If you experience any issues with your hearing aids, such as reduced sound quality or occasional static, it’s important to address the problem right away. First, try cleaning the device as outlined above. If that doesn’t help, contact your hearing instrument specialist (HIS) for further assistance. They may recommend professional repairs or suggest a replacement device if needed.

Reduced Sound Quality

If you notice that your hearing aids are producing a dull, low sound quality, it could be due to wax build-up inside the device. Over time, earwax can accumulate in the microphone and other components of the hearing aid, reducing sound quality. To remove this wax buildup, you’ll need to gently brush away any visible debris with a small cleaning brush or use an approved cleaning solution according to the instructions provided by your hearing instrument specialist.

Also, be sure to check the device’s battery level regularly as well; a low battery can also cause reduced sound quality.

Occasional Static

If you experience occasional static or other distortions in your hearing aid, it could mean that the device has become wet due to sweat or other moisture. To avoid this problem, try wearing a sweatband behind the ear when engaging in physical activity. Additionally, always make sure to dry off your ears with a clean cloth before putting your hearing aids in. Also, if your hearing aids get wet, remove them immediately and dry them off with a soft cloth or towel.

Finally, here are five things that you should not do when caring for your hearing aids: 

  • Don’t use cleaning sprays or harsh chemicals: These could damage the components of your device. 
  • Don’t expose your hearing aids to direct sunlight: This could cause overheating and malfunction.
  • Don’t leave your devices in a hot car or other extreme temperatures: Doing so can reduce sound quality and lead to malfunctions.
  • Don’t submerge your devices in water: Moisture can easily damage the internal components of a hearing aid. 
  • Don’t attempt repairs yourself: This may void your warranty and potentially cause more harm than good. 

Caring for your hearing aids is an essential part of maintaining optimal sound quality and longevity of the device. By following these basic tips, you can ensure that your devices remain in excellent condition and continue providing you with improved hearing. If ever in doubt, consult with your hearing instrument specialist for further guidance. 

If you’re looking for more information on Audio Hearing Aid Service, contact us today at 330-244-9881 or 330-364-6637. Our team of experienced hearing instrument specialists are here to answer any questions you have and help you find the perfect hearing aid solution that fits your needs. We provide comprehensive service and repairs, as well as comprehensive hearing aids cleaning and maintenance tips, so you can keep your devices in top condition.

We also offer a wide range of state-of-the-art hearing aids with advanced features and superior sound quality. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us help you stay connected to the world around you.