How to Charge and Clean Your Hearing Aids

a hearing professional is showing her patient how to use a hearing aid

The impact that hearing aids can have on your day-to-day can be the life-changing action you need to improve your quality of life. However, if you’re new to hearing aids, then it might take a little time to get used to some of the parts of living with them. In particular, you need to make sure that you take care of them and ensure that they’re always working at maximum capacity.

Here, we’re going to look at how you keep your hearing aids performing at their best by charging and cleaning them correctly. Your hearing instrument specialist can offer you much more detailed and specific advice if you need it, but here are the basics that every hearing aid wearer should know.

The Basics of Cleaning Your Hearing Aid

You should make sure that you clean your hearing aids every evening if you can. Dirt, debris and earwax can build up on the device. When it does, it can block some components from working properly. It also invites moisture that can seep in through the outer shell, causing damage to both the device and the battery.

Many hearing aids will come with a cleaning kit but, if yours doesn’t, you should consider purchasing one. They should include cleaning brushes and ventilation cleaners that effectively scoop earwax and dirt from any of the places where they could get stuck. After you use these instruments to clean away the visible issues, you can then wipe the rest clean of the oils, dirt and other things that might stick to the device.

Make sure that you’re using a dry cleaning cloth, especially one that’s made specifically for hearing aids. Do not use moist cloths, wipes or water of any kind. You shouldn’t be exposing your hearing aid to any moisture if you can help it.

Charging Your Hearing Aids

How long your hearing aids operate before you need to charge them or change their batteries will depend on a few things. There are different battery sizes and different hearing aids drain them at different rates. Furthermore, they can be drained more quickly depending on whether or not you’re using some of the extra features included in them. If you have a rechargeable hearing aid, then you should also have a charger that comes with it.

All you need to do is put your hearing aids on the charger in the evening when you’re not wearing them. They should be fully powered during the day. Your hearing aid may have a specific noise it makes when it is low on battery. Learn to recognize this sound and you can give them a quick recharge during the day, as well.

If Your Hearing Aid Isn’t Rechargeable

If your device or batteries aren’t rechargeable, then you will use disposable batteries that you replace whenever they run out of charge. However, this is not a very complex process. Again, depending on the size of the batteries and how you use your hearing aids, you can expect from three to 15 days’ worth of life out of them. You will monitor the power through your hearing aid app or with an emitted noise letting you know when it is time to change the batteries. Your hearing instrument specialist can go over these instructions with you to help you have a better understanding of how frequently you’ll need to change your batteries.

If you don’t know how to replace your batteries, you can check the hearing aids manufacturers’ website to see if they have videos demonstrating how to do it. Otherwise, your hearing instrument specialist can demonstrate for you.

When you’re changing the batteries, you should make note of the day. You can put a little dot on a calendar, for instance, every time you have to change the batteries. This can help you better predict when it’s about to expire so you can be ready to change it within a range of time. You should always make sure that you have backup batteries on hand, however, even if you don’t expect to have to change them for a few days. Don’t remove the tab on any batteries before you plan to use them, either.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Your Hearing Instrument Specialist About Issues

If you want to make sure that you’re giving your hearing aids the kind of care that they need and you could use some assistance, then Audio Hearing Aid Service is here to help. Get in touch with us at 330-244-9881 or 330-364-6637 and let us know what you need.