It is estimated that about 28.8-million American adults may benefit from wearing hearing aids, but less than 30% have ever used them. If you are among the privileged few using hearing aids, it is undoubtedly crucial to maintain them. You depend on your device to enjoy the hearing quality you need for daily living.

Therefore, you will be highly inconvenienced if these devices are damaged due to improper care. Fortunately, there are numerous things you can do to care for these essential devices. Here are some at-home care tips for hearing aids to extend their effectiveness and lower the odds of malfunctioning.

Keep Away from Moisture and Store in a Dry Place

Hearing aids pack some pretty advanced circuitry and technology in their tiny shells. Therefore, moisture can do a lot of damage to your hearing aids. Admittedly, most modern hearing aids are designed with water resistance in mind, but it is still advisable to remove them when swimming, showering or walking in the rain.

Also, dry them with a towel or tissue immediately after they contact water. However, never use a drier or other heated device since the high heat can melt internal components. Furthermore, consider storing your hearing aids in a special dehumidifier if you reside in a humid area.

Schedule Routine Cleanings

You can clean and take care of your hearing aids at home to significantly improve their life span. Still, it is best to send them to a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) to ensure that they are properly cared for. Sending your hearing aids to a HIS is akin to taking your car to your mechanic for regular maintenance.

These HIS can readily spot things you should repair that you may have missed. Additionally, they can adjust your devices to better suit your needs. It is best to schedule a device cleaning with your local HIS every four to six months, or immediately you think something is wrong.

Always Handle with Care 

Modern hearing devices are more durable than their earlier counterparts, but you should still handle them with care. One drop may be all it takes to cause your device to work less than ideally. Therefore, always hold your hearing aids securely to prevent them from falling.

Additionally, set them on a soft surface like a towel when cleaning them or changing the batteries. Finally, keep your device out of the reach of children and animals to avoid any unintentional damage. 

Change Batteries Often

Hearing aid batteries are crucial to powering your device, but they can do more harm than good if left in for extended periods. This is because trapped moisture can lead to battery corrosion and device damage. As such, remember to open your hearing aids’ battery doors when they are not in use. Similarly, it is best to temporarily take out the batteries if you won’t use your hearing aids for some days.

Keep Hearing Aids Wax Free

Earwax will undoubtedly come into contact with your hearing aids when you use them. Although it is a naturally occurring and harmless substance, earwax can significantly reduce your hearing aids’ performance. Consequently, it is prudent to take time to clean them frequently.

You can simply use a soft toothbrush or dry cotton swab to gently remove any earwax or debris on these devices every time you wear them. Also, remember to clean the microphone and receiver to keep the hearing aids in optimum condition.

Furthermore, keeping your hearing aids wax-free will involve periodically replacing the wax filter or guard. This filter keeps wax from getting into the hearing aid’s internal components and damaging it. Ideally, you should change your wax filter anytime you notice build-up. It is vital to understand that hearing aids use different filters. Therefore, your HIS is the best person to consult for advice on what filter to use and how to replace your existing one.

Wash Your Hands

It would be best to have clean and dry hands before inserting or removing your hearing aids. This way, you prevent contaminants like dirt and dust from entering your device and affecting its performance.

Reliable Hearing Aids at Audio Hearing Aid Service

We offer various hearing aid styles like in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC) to suit a wide range of lifestyles and budgets. Also, our hearing instrument specialists provide hearing aid evaluation, fitting and repair services to clients to cater to all their hearing needs. Contact us today at 330-244-9881 or 330-364-6637 to learn more.