Hearing Protection Buying Guide

man in his garage cutting wood while wearing yellow over the ears protectors

Hearing protection is absolutely essential for a variety of different reasons. Some people are at greater risk than others, and subsequently have a more serious need for hearing protection. However, everyone can benefit from hearing protection at some point during their lifetime!

Finding the most suitable hearing protection for your unique needs is key, but thankfully this informative guide contains everything that you need to know to make the most effective purchase. Read on to discover more. 

Why is hearing protection so important?

Hearing protection can help to protect your hearing against a variety of loud noises and other audible risks that could do your ears real damage. There are lots of situations that trigger the need for hearing protection. 

People who work in a loud environment, such as on a factory production line where heavy machinery is constantly banging and buzzing, should always wear hearing protection while they are on shift. Being continually exposed to high-volume noises can have a drastic impact on your hearing health and ear function over time, so it’s best to take preventative measures to avoid this. 

Those who regularly attend music concerts and other events that play loud music from large speakers should also use ear protection. Some speakers can produce extremely loud music, and sometimes it’s hard to move away from speakers to a quieter area (especially if you’re at a busy concert with lots of fans in one small space). Wearing hearing protection will still allow you to hear the music, but it won’t be quite as deafening! 

You can also wear hearing protection when hunting to lessen the loudness of the ‘bang’ when you shoot, or even when you go to a fireworks display. 

What are the best hearing protection options?

Fortunately, there are lots of different hearing protection options that you can make the most of to help prevent hearing loss and look after your ears. The main hearing protection options are earmuffs, earplugs and canal caps. 


Earmuffs are likely the most traditional form of ear protection that you can utilize to prevent damage to your hearing. Earmuffs feature cushioned padding that has noise canceling abilities, as well as a handy headband to make wearing them a little more comfortable. Earmuffs can vary in their thickness, and can be made out of a variety of different materials. You can find dedicated personal protective equipment (PPE) earmuffs that are made for the workplace, which are ideal for those with factory jobs and can withstand day to day use. You can also find earmuffs to wear when hunting that are designed to help you to blend in with your natural surroundings. The main downside to earmuffs is their size and subsequent visibility. 


Earplugs are another great option to explore, and they are a lot more handy and easier to transport than earmuffs. They are much smaller in comparison, as they fit snugly inside the opening of your exterior ear canal to block loud sounds from going in. They’re generally made out of a foam-like material so that they can easily mold to fit your unique ear shape, but some people do think that their small size makes them a little fiddly to put in and take out. However, their size does mean that they can be near invisible to those around you – this makes them ideal for concerts and other loud social events, as you can dance with the crowd without them even noticing your ear protection. Some earplugs are independent, whereas others come as an attached pair that are joined to prevent hearing loss

Canal Caps 

Canal caps are also a good option to explore for short term use. They function fairly similarly to earplugs, but they are partially inserted into your ear rather than going further inside, meaning they do not create the same noise blocking seal. They are best used in situations where you need to frequently insert and remove your ear protection, and they are usually attached to a headband so that you can keep them on while not wearing them. They are easier to use than earplugs, but they won’t be able to provide you with the same level of protection and noise cancellation. 

Final Thoughts 

Earmuffs, earplugs and canal caps are all easily accessible forms of hearing protection that can help to prevent ear damage and hearing loss. Buying the right option for your unique needs will help you to get the best results. Don’t hesitate to contact your expert audiologist at Valley Hearing Center on 831-240-4162 to find out more about hearing protection!