Are Headphones And Earbuds Bad For Your Health?

young woman listening to music

There are many contributors to hearing loss. Sometimes, hearing loss happens naturally. Some are born deaf. Of course, some people are more predisposed to hearing loss than others.

For instance, an employee working in a factory environment without the proper use of ear defenders may find themselves experiencing hearing loss thanks to being around high-volume machinery and manufacturing processes day in, day out. Others, like audio engineers, may find that long-term exposure to amplifiers and other sound equipment can cause this, too.

But this is far from an exhaustive list. After all, hearing loss can occur after a vehicle accident during a heavy knock to the head, or perhaps it may occur as a symptom of built-up earwax which will potentially need further treatment, including ear syringe procedures or further surgery.

However, by far one of the most commonplace causes of general hearing loss is by being exposed to loud volumes for significant amounts of time. This is more common thanks to most people listening to music and enjoying content from consumer headphones and earbuds. Volume control is a discipline, and many people, young people especially, enjoy feeling more connected to their music by loud listening or attending intensive concerts.

But this begs the question – to what degree does this influence hearing loss, and how should we mitigate our habits to prevent that? Furthermore, how can we find a good balance between this and enjoying our lives from day to day?

So, Are Headphones and Earbuds Bad for Your Health?

Like many things, headphones and earbuds are not necessarily bad for your health, but misuse of them can be. For instance, it’s important to make sure that your earbuds are clean and that they do not enter the ear canal too deeply. Some manufacturers can use memory foam earbuds to gain that tight fit within the ear canal, and this provides a firmer seal that resonates the sound against the eardrum. It’s best to keep these clean.

It’s important to keep your headphones at a comfortable volume. Many smartphones today will showcase limiters on their volume gauge to present, from software, that extended listening at a certain volume may be harmful to your health. It’s a great idea to keep your usage of such accessories measured, that you don’t listen for too loud, too long and that they are in good condition so as not to affect the health of the ear itself.

What Alternative Habits and Decisions Could We Make to Preserve Our Ear Health?

There are a number of precautions you can take in order to ensure your usage of headphones or earbuds is limited. Open-back headphones are less noise-isolating and provide a better soundstage that way. They can help you ensure a cleaner sound environment without the need for intensive volume thanks to the clarity here.

You can also set volume limiters in your listening software and streaming apps so that you don’t go above an unnecessary volume. Most of all, keeping in the habit of disciplining yourself at a certain volume will help you enjoy your music and content without needing to overdo your hearing possibilities.

Also, sometimes, it’s a good idea to give your ears a little break by taking off the headphones from time to time and using standard speakers or listening to genres of music that are less aggressive. Think gentler folk instead of trance or metal.

Of course, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with the disciplined use of hearing buds. After all, modern hearing aids are increasingly used to connect to devices with Bluetooth directly, providing similar utility.

If Hearing Loss Is Already Present, What Can We Do?

If you’re already encountering hearing loss, it can be tough to accept that you might need treatment. That said, doing so can be the best option towards preventing a condition from becoming worse, or exercising the best approach towards recovery and maintenance.

Thankfully, many opportunities exist. From fitting appropriate hearing aids to more stringent medical procedures, speaking to your doctor and a competent hearing instrument specialist will be essential in providing this reliable aid plan.

What Hearing Aid Service Should I Utilize?

Audio Hearing Aid Service is known to provide some of the best hearing instrument specialist support in its field and can serve as a fantastic means of not only ensuring your hearing support is well established, but that a long-term strategy is enacted. Call us today at 330-244-9881 or 330-364-6637.